Sunday, May 30, 2010
Confession no. 5048
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Presenting: Muslim Toddler
I swear I didn't make her do it! When she picked it out of my house-scaves (the ones I wear when I'm cooking/cleaning etc), I didn't expect her to do more than hand it to me and then be on her merry way.
I certainly didn't expect her to wait patiently for me to tie it around her back, and was floored when she spent a few minutes pretending to adjust it like I do
And then she goes and poses for the pictures. What parallel universe have I stepped into?
On another note, I have found a new obsession. Meet the Blogess, I love her humor and honestly, even though she sounds just as distracted as I usually am, I'm awed by her.
Who am I kidding? I wanna BE her!
Go see her for yourself and tell me you love her!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
That's my girl!
My Monster confirmed today that she gets the more intelligent genes from me, by reading the manual to one of her gifts while Baba struggled
There is something everyone who knows me can vouch for: I will always read the manual. In this, Mr. Oz and I are the opposites; he'll sign any piece of paper after pretending to look over it but he's actually only placing where to put his signature. Me? I'll INHALE the thing!
I never open/put together/turn on anything without going through the manual first. I read both Mazda's and Subaru's manuals in detail while Mr. Oz dove right in and learned where everything was whenever he needed them. The disadvantage: He'd be looking all over the car for an easier-to-reach cigarette lighter for his phone/GPS/random item frantically WHILE driving and I'll smirkingly flip a hidden latch and reveal the lighter... RIGHT UNDER HIS NOSE. Or, he'd be hitting the PRE button on the stereo each time the song ends so he can listen to it again and after the 6th time I'll press a button that would turn out AUTO RPT and he'd be like "Wow, I've been driving this car for one and a half years and I didn't know there was a repeat button."
Dude, next time read the manual.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Monster's 2nd birthday-Take 1 and 2
Take 1: On the evening of Tuesday May 18, our good friend and daugher M come over to share cupcakes.

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Meet Amina aka Radical Doll
I hadn't posted about this doll because it, to me was serious business as I do want my daughter to learn these good things....Until, today Mr. Oz suggested we leave "Radical Doll" home. I was like....
Mr. Oz: You know...our radical Muslim doll?
Friday, May 14, 2010
The attack of the late late nap
Monday, May 10, 2010
My Dupatta/hijab style
There is a how-to video of wearing dupatta as a hijab and it's the way I did it for a long time until I realized one day, I really need it to cover my chest. Evidence 1, the picture above. The chest straps of Monster's baby carrier look freakin' ugly on my not-36-anymore chest. I had to cover it somehow and on my feet in Puerto Rico, I came up with this fab way to wrap it and wrap it with modesty.
I just saved your eyes from witnessing hell on earth. You're welcome.
I can be coerced to post a how-to for this style if you say please =)